MA Safe Soccer

As a sanctioned league under Massachusetts Youth Soccer, BAYS adheres to the MA Safe Soccer Platform.

The MA Safe Soccer platform provides all Massachusetts Youth Soccer participants (players, coaches, referees, administrators, volunteers, and parents) the tools to make their soccer experience safe, healthy, and free from emotional, physical, or sexual abuse.

Every volunteer working with the kids must complete the following requirements:

  • An expanded background check and screening process including state and national criminal and sex offender searches
  • A certified abuse prevention online training course
  • The CDC’s online Heads Up Concussion training course
  • Current registration in the Mass Youth Member Management system, including posting a valid head shot photo
  • Review and Adherence to the MA Safe Soccer Required Policies 

Proof that these requirements have been met is evidenced by the person being issued a current soccer year Mass Youth Credential lanyard. Under-18 volunteer coaches do not have to complete some of the requirements but still need to be registered with Mass Youth and complete the concussion training course prior to be issued a credential.

When arriving at the field, the adult, or under-18 coach, should have their credential worn around their neck. Then, in order not to hamper their activities (coaching, lining fields, running, etc.) they may if necessary, store the credential with their personal belongings during that activity.

Note:  We expect all coaches to make every reasonable effort to wear the credentials at all times while working with the children, including having the credentials at practice with them.

Click below for more information on the Mass Youth website:

All BAYS town clubs must adhere to these requirements. 

Contact your club registrar or risk manager to follow up on how a coach or other volunteer can complete the requirements for a Mass Youth Credential.